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Mobile phones have changed the way we live our lives providing voice calling, text messaging and mobile Internet access. The very first mobile phones were two-way radios that allowed taxi drivers and the emergency services to communicate. Motorola, on 3 April 1973 was first company to mass produce the first handheld mobile phone.


AT&T was one of the first to commercialize mobile telecommunication in 1947. The service known simply as ―Mobile Telephone Serviceǁ (MTS) spread to more than a hundred towns and highway paths by the end of the year. The service relied on an operator to connect both incoming and outgoing calls.
The first generation of cellular networks paved the way to the networks. Use of multiple cell tower sites, each connected through a network, allowed users to travel and even switch cell towers during a call. It was a revolution built on existing, analog technology with the first being built in Chicago in 1977. Known as the Analog Mobile Phone System (AMPS), it was built by AT&T and it took FCC 11 years to approve AT&T’s initial proposal in 1971.

Advancement by 2G was the introduction of SMS messaging, with the first computer generated SMS sent in 1992 in the UK. The very first download services were also introduced using 2G technology and enabled users to download ringtones. Mobile phones also saw use as another method of payment for services like car parking in Finland and vending machines.

Types of Mobile Applications

Native apps are built for a specific operating system. A native app developed for iOS operating system won’t work on Android devices and vice-versa. If an app is developed for iOS, it will remain exclusive to that operating system. Softwares' used to develop native apps generally would be Objective-C or Swift for iOS, Java and ADT for Android operating system and .NET(C#) for Windows operating system.

Mobile web apps are the web applications to render/deliver pages on web browsers running in mobile devices. Since these apps target browsers, they work on different mobile operating systems. You can view a mobile web app on Android, iOS or Windows tablets and phone devices. They also work on PC web browsers. Softwares' used to develop these applications are generally HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery.
Hybrid apps are a mixture of both native and mobile web apps. This type of application has cross-platform compatibility but can still access phone’s hardware. Softwares used to develop these apps are generally HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Mobile Javascript frameworks, Cordova/PhoneGap etc.

Mobile Information Architecture

While designing a mobile, the following steps need to be followed.
 • Put the content first creating the clarity of purpose upon which to make and support sound user experience decisions 
 • Separate taxonomy and navigation: o Design taxonomies, categories, and classification schemes to make the organization of content intelligible to users. o Design navigation and interaction to make using that content context appropriate.
 • Learn the patterns and guard against falling into default patterns.
 • Build a future-friendly and re-usable foundation.


In October 2003, Android Inc was founded in Palo Alto, California and its four founders were Rich Miner, Nick Sears, Chris White, and Andy Rubin. In 2005, Android was acquired by Google. Rubin stayed at Google as head of the Android team until 2013. The logo for the Android OS was created by Irina Blok while she was employed by Google. Versions of Android along with their names


Android Q will allow users to control apps’ access to their phone’s Photos and Videos or the Audio collections via new runtime permissions.


In 2007, Apple launched the first iPhone and ushered in a new era in mobile computing. In Sept. 2008, the very first Android smartphone was announced, the T-Mobile G1 went on sale in the U.S. Oct. of that year. Android 1.0 OS inside integrated a number of the company’s other products and services, including Google Maps, YouTube, and an HTML browser (pre-Chrome) that, of course, used Google’s search services. It also had the first version of Android Market, the app store with ―dozens of unique, first-of-a-kind Android applications.‖

The first version of the OS (1.0) released in Sept. 2008 did not have a code name at all. However, it reportedly used the internal name ―Petit four‖ while it was in development at Google. The name refers to a French dessert. Android has come a long way from its humble beginnings, as the product of a small start up, all the way to becoming the leading mobile operating system worldwide. Google’s introduction of Project Treble in Android Oreo should make it easier for phone makers to update their devices faster.
One challenge for Android device owners that has been an issue for the OS ever since it launched is updating it with the latest security patches, for major feature updates. Google’s supported Nexus and
Pixel devices consistently receive regular monthly security updates, and the latest version of the OS.


Different OS run on different types of hardware and are designed for different types of applications. For
example, iOS is designed for iPhones and iPad tablets, while Mac desktops and laptops use macOS.

Initial versions of Windows worked with MS-DOS, providing a modern graphical interface on top of DOS's traditional text-based commands. The Windows Start menu helps users find programs and files on their devices.

Apple's iOS is one of the most popular smartphone operating systems, second only to Android. It runs on Apple hardware, including iPhones, iPad tablets and iPod Touch media players.

Android is the most popular operating system in the world judging by the number of devices installed. Users can download custom versions of the operating system.

Apple's macOS, successor to the popular OS X operating system, runs on Apple laptops and desktops.. MacOS is known for its user-friendly features, which include Siri and FaceTime.

Linux can be run on a wide variety of hardware and is available free of charge over the internet.


□ Editors and IDEs 
□ Language Resources 
□ Libraries 
□ Plug-ins

Android Editors and IDEs 

□ Android Studio – The official IDE, based on the community-created IntelliJIDEA (see below). 
□ Eclipse – Before Android Studio, this was the official Android development environment. Used to
code Java but can be expanded to other languages via plugins, it is still a powerful tool. 
□ IntelliJIDEA – Android Studio is based on this, and this IDE is not only extremely useful, but has a
massive amount of community-created plugins, making it highly customisable. 
□ DroidEdit – An Android text and code editor to use on Android platforms. 
□ Android-IDE – A complete web and Android development environment, it also allows you to edit Java and PhoneGap apps. 
□ Cordova – Mobile apps with HTML, CSS and JS, its one of the best tools if you want to create hybrid
apps. Free and open source. 
□ Corona – A 2D-development platform with a specific focus on games but can be used to create other
types of mobile apps too. One of the best for cross-platform development and 100% free. 
□ Titanium – One of the lesser-known platforms, it allows for the creation of native apps for iOS,
Android and Windowsphone and runs off a single JavaScript codebase. 
□ Xamarin – Widely featured in the press and a very impressive IDE for native Android, iOS and
Windows applications. Open source and free with two further price plans, it uses C# as its language 
□ CppDroid – Allows you to code, edit compile and execute C and C++ code. Packed full of features
including practice programs and syntax highlighting. 

Android Language Resources 

□ Java – Straight to the source, if you’re developing in Android, Java is probably the language you want
to be using. Has it’s own development kit, but there are plenty of other SDKs out there too. 
□ Codeacademy – One of the premier code-learning resources online, it has been used by thousands of
people to get into Java coding, as well as other languages and frameworks. An interactive, learn-as- you-code format. 
□ Team treehouse – Another e-learning website, but well known for the strength of its Java courses. 
□ Udemy – Online learning can’t go without mentioning Udemy, which features dozens of both highly
specific and generic Java learning courses. 
□ New Boston – Youtube tutorials to learn how to develop in Android – currently has over 5 million
views. Covers everything from setting up the SDK to XLM Layouts. 200 videos in total.

Click here for MAD materials

How to install Android studio click here for procedure ANDROID STUDIO 

For record programs click here 


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