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The world's newest programming languages


The world's newest programming languages


On the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM), Elixir is a functional, concurrent, general-purpose programming language. It was produced by José Valim and initially made available in 2011. Elixir is well-liked for creating distributed and fault-tolerant systems because of its productivity, scalability, and fault-tolerance properties.

Here are some of Elixir's main attributes and ideas:

1.       Elixir emphasises immutability, pure functions, and data transformation because it adheres to the principles of functional programming. It promotes declarative programming in code.
2.   Scalability and Concurrency: Elixir is built to handle distributed and concurrent processing. It enables small lightweight processes (called "actors") that can manage millions of concurrent jobs effectively, communicate through message passing, and run in parallel.
3. Erlang is the source of Elixir's fault tolerance. It promotes a "let-it-crash" attitude in which processes are segregated and allowed to fail on their own. This method enables the construction of extremely resilient systems, in which failures are handled politely and do not cause the application to crash.
4.  Elixir is compatible with Erlang and makes use of the OTP (Open Telecom Platform) framework and its ecosystem. It provides access to a wide range of tried-and-true tools for creating reliable systems because it can directly call Erlang code and utilise existing Erlang libraries.
5. Elixir has strong metaprogramming capabilities that let programmers create code that can generate or change other code at compile time. This makes it possible to create expressive and adaptable abstractions.
6.  Mix is the package manager and build tool for Elixir, making project creation, dependency management, and testing easier. A set of libraries and design guidelines called OTP (Open Telecom Platform) are used to create fault-tolerant and scalable applications. OTP and Elixir work together flawlessly, making it simple to create dependable systems.
7. Phoenix is an Elixir-based web framework that adheres to the guiding principles of maintainability, performance, and simplicity. For developing web applications, it offers characteristics like real-time capability, scalability, and a productive development environment.

Elixir's ability to manage large concurrency, fault tolerance, and productivity benefits have helped it gain popularity in recent years. The Internet of Things (IoT), real-time applications, distributed systems, and web development are just a few domains where it is extensively employed.


A compiled, statically-typed programming language called Crystal attempts to bring together the expressiveness and usability of Ruby with the speed and effectiveness of languages like C. Since its initial release in 2014, it has grown in favour among developers due to its ease of use, readability, and excellent performance.

Here are some of the programming language Crystal's salient traits and attributes:

  • Ruby has had a significant influence on Crystal's syntax, making it comfortable to developers with knowledge of Ruby or other dynamically-typed languages. It places a strong emphasis on developer efficiency and clean, legible code.
  • Unlike Ruby, Crystal uses preset types for variables and expressions, which are verified at compile time. This makes it possible to find errors early on and may enhance performance.
  • Compilation: Using LLVM (Low-Level Virtual Machine) as the backend, Crystal code is translated into effective machine code. Crystal can now attain native performance on par with that of languages like C and C++.
  • Crystal uses type inference, which frequently eliminates the need for explicit type annotations. There is less need for repetitive type declarations because the compiler may infer types from context.
  • Through fibres, a cooperative multitasking component, Crystal offers built-in support for lightweight concurrency. Developers can create concurrent programmes that run several tasks simultaneously while effectively utilising system resources.
  • Metaprogramming is supported by Crystal similarly to Ruby, enabling programmers to create code that generates or changes other code at compile time. This makes it possible to generate code and use sophisticated abstractions.
  • Crystal places a big emphasis on it in order to give Ruby developers a smooth transition route. Crystal and Ruby may work together because of their shared syntax and similar programming principles.
  • Crystal comes with a sizable standard library that includes classes and modules for a variety of frequently performed operations, including file I/O, networking, data serialisation, and more. Consistency and thorough documentation are goals of the standard library's design.
  • Despite being a relatively new language, Crystal has a vibrant and expanding community. The Crystal ecosystem consists of libraries, tools, testing frameworks, web frameworks (such as Kemal), and package management like Shards.
  • Crystal was made to support popular operating systems like Windows, Linux, and macOS. Additionally, it supports running on platforms other than ARM-based ones and compiling to them.

It's important to note that Crystal was still in its early phases of development and hadn't achieved version 1.0 as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. Therefore, it's probable that the language has undergone substantial revisions and advancements since that time. For the most recent information, I suggest consulting the official Crystal documentation and community resources.

Java 17:

Programming language Java 17 was made available in September 2021. Because it is the most recent LTS (long-term support) version of Java, it will continue to get upgrades and support for a very long time. The language and its libraries receive a number of new features, additions, and improvements in Java 17. 

Here are a few Java 17 highlights:

  • A small number of subclasses that can extend or implement sealed classes can be defined by developers. This increases encapsulation and gives developers more control over class hierarchies.
  • Java 17 adds pattern matching to the switch statement, improving its functionality. It enables programmers to implement more intricate matching conditions using patterns in switch statements.
  • Java programmes can call native functions in a more effective and flexible way thanks to the Foreign Function & Memory API (FFI). It improves compatibility with native programmes and makes using non-Java memory easier.
  • Stronger encapsulation of JDK internals: Java 17 makes it more difficult to access or utilise the JDK's internal APIs by strengthening their encapsulation. This encourages improved modularity and lessens reliance on internal implementation specifics.
  • New macOS rendering pipeline: For Java applications, Java 17 replaces the existing, deprecated OpenGL pipeline with the new Metal rendering pipeline. Additionally, it offers greater compatibility with current macOS versions and enhances graphics performance.
  • Concurrent Thread-Stack Processing: By enabling the garbage collector to run alongside application threads, this functionality optimises the processing of thread stacks. Multithreaded apps run better overall and have shorter pause times.
  • Applet API Deprecation: Java 17 no longer supports the Applet API, which was used to build Java applets. The deprecation of applets reflects the move away from them in favour of other web technologies.

These are only a few of Java 17's highlights. It's important to note that Java is always improving with new features and enhancements being added to the language and its environment with each new release.


Microsoft Research created the functional-first, strongly-typed programming language F#. It utilises the.NET Common Language Runtime (CLR), which is a component of the.NET ecosystem. F# is a strong and expressive programming language that combines object-oriented and functional programming techniques to enable the creation of a wide variety of applications.

Here are some of the primary traits and qualities of F#:

  •  F# is a cross-platform language, which enables it to function on a variety of os. Because it runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux, developers may create F# code and use it on their favourite operating system.
  • F# has the ability to perform scripting tasks and quick prototyping. You may easily experiment with concepts and run F# code snippets in interactive scripting mode.
  • F# is an open-source language with a thriving community and ongoing development. On GitHub, the language's fundamental libraries are accessible, and community additions are welcomed.
  • Strong type inference features in F# enable programmers to construct code without explicitly defining every type. This keeps static type and compile-time safety while still making the language succinct and expressive.
  • Through the use of asynchronous workflows and the async keyword, F# offers strong support for asynchronous programming. This makes it simpler to build scalable and effective I/O-related code, such as for network requests or database access.
  • Emphasising immutability, pure functions, and higher-order functions, functional programming paradigms have a significant influence on F#. It offers functions like discriminated unions, pattern matching, and algebraic data types.
  • Since F# is a component of the.NET ecosystem, it is seamlessly interoperable with other.NET dialects like C# and Visual Basic.NET. It may be used for both new projects and integration with existing codebases and can take advantage of existing.NET libraries and frameworks.

In industries including finance, data analysis, scientific computing, and web development, F# is frequently utilised. It offers a functional and creative environment for creating dependable and scalable applications. F# is a special and potent language choice for many developers due to its integration of functional programming, type inference, and.NET interoperability.


Apple created the robust and cutting-edge programming language Swift for creating apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It was released in 2014 and rapidly became well-liked because of its effectiveness, simplicity, and safety.

Here are some of Swift's main characteristics and facets:

  • Swift is made to be both safe and expressive. It does this by removing typical programming faults. It contains attributes that assist programmers in creating more dependable and stable code, including as type inference, optionals, and automatic memory management.
  • Swift is intended to coexist with Objective-C, the more traditional programming language used for Apple platforms. Developers can use pre-existing Objective-C code in their Swift projects because it is possible to invoke Objective-C APIs directly from Swift and vice versa.
  • Swift Playgrounds is an interactive setting where programmers can experiment with Swift code, see results right away, and visualise data. It's a fantastic resource for education, concept exploration, and prototyping.
  • Modern syntax: Swift offers a clear, compact, and simple-to-read and write syntax. It integrates contemporary programming ideas as well as features drawn from other languages, making it user- and developer-friendly.
  • Fields of play: Swift The interactive environment known as Playgrounds allows developers to experiment with Swift code, see results right away, and visualise data. It's a fantastic resource for education, concept exploration, and prototyping.
  • Open-source: In 2015, Apple made Swift available to developers, allowing them to help shape its development and expand its use beyond Apple's ecosystem. Swift's open-source nature promotes participation in the community and the expansion of third-party libraries and frameworks.
  • Broad application development: iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS are just a few of the Apple platforms for which Swift is primarily employed. From straightforward smartphone apps to intricate desktop software, a broad variety of applications can be created with it.
  • Swift for server-side programming: In addition to supporting native application development, Swift also supports server-side programming. Swift developers may create web servers and backend systems utilising frameworks like Vapour and Kitura.

With frequent upgrades and the addition of new features by the Swift community and Apple, Swift is becoming better. It has been a top choice for iOS and macOS app development thanks to its simplicity, safety, and performance, which has helped it significantly in terms of popularity among developers.


Dart is a programming language designed by Google to create fast, scalable, and high-performance applications. It is mostly used to create web, mobile, and desktop apps. Dart was first announced in 2011 and has since gained prominence, particularly for its use in Flutter, a cross-platform UI framework.

Dart has the following major qualities and characteristics:

  • Dart is an object-oriented programming language, which means it supports notions like classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Dart is a statically typed language, meaning variable types are checked at compile time. Dart, on the other hand, allows type inference, allowing you to skip type annotations in some circumstances.
  • Dart employs a garbage collector to manage memory automatically, freeing developers from laborious memory management.
  • Dart includes built-in support for writing asynchronous code with the async and await keywords. This makes it simple to develop code that accomplishes multiple activities at the same time, such as performing network requests or accessing databases.
  • Cross-platform development: One of Dart's primary applications is in conjunction with Flutter, a framework for developing user interfaces across many platforms such as iOS, Android, and the web. Flutter's primary language is Dart, which allows developers to create code once and deploy it across several platforms.
  • Hot reload: Dart and Flutter have a feature called "hot reload," which allows developers to see changes they make in their code immediately reflected in the current application without having to restart it completely. This greatly accelerates the development and iteration processes.
  • Dart comes with a large standard library that includes APIs and packages for basic programming activities such as file I/O, networking, cryptography, and more.
  • Dart has a robust ecosystem and a wide range of development tools, such as a package manager (pub), a static analyzer (dartanalyzer), and a debugger. It is simpler to add functionality to your Dart applications because to the abundance of third-party packages and libraries accessible via in the Dart ecosystem.

Overall, Dart is a flexible language that provides a variety of features and tools for creating contemporary applications. A productive and effective development environment is provided by Dart in combination with frameworks like Flutter, whether you're creating web applications, mobile apps, or even server-side applications.


The dynamic, all-purpose programming language Clojure was created to be easy to learn, expressive, and very functional. It is a Lisp dialect that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), enabling it to easily interact with Java programmes and take advantage of the extensive Java library ecosystem.

Here are some of Clojure's salient qualities and traits:

  • Functional programming: Clojure places a strong emphasis on functional programming paradigms, where immutable data structures are favoured and functions are seen as first-class citizens. It supports closures, immutable permanent data structures, and higher-order functions.
  • Lisp Syntax: With its heavy use of parenthesis and prefix notation, Clojure adheres to the Lisp tradition. By promoting code as data, this syntax creates strong metaprogramming capabilities.
  • Clojure has built-in support for concurrent and parallel programming. Multithreading and concurrency. It provides software transactional memory (STM) and immutable data structures for effectively and securely managing shared state.
  • Dynamic Development: Through its Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL), which enables interactive programming and experimentation, Clojure fosters a quick development workflow. Developers may evaluate expressions and view the results right away thanks to the REPL.
  • Interoperability with Java is seamless thanks to Clojure's ability to access and directly invoke Java libraries. By utilising pre-existing Java frameworks and libraries, this integration enables simple interoperability between Clojure and Java.
  • Rich Ecosystem: Clojure has the support of a thriving ecosystem that is home to a variety of libraries and tools. These libraries cover a wide range of topics, such as concurrency, data processing, web development, and more.
  • Strong Focus on Data Transformation: Data transformation and manipulation are given a lot of attention in Clojure. It makes working with collections simple by providing a set of "sequence functions" that operate on data sequences.
  • Emphasis on Simplicity and Expressivity: Clojure encourages programming that is straightforward and expressive. It promotes immutability and the use of functional programming principles to write clear, comprehensible code.

Particularly in the areas of data processing, distributed systems, and concurrent programming, Clojure has grown in prominence recently. It provides developers with a strong and adaptable toolkit for creating dependable and scalable applications while utilising the advantages of the JVM ecosystem.


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